Mmmmmm. Teacher Appreciation Week!
This morning I got up, rolled out of bed, gagged down a Slim-Fast, chomped an apple, drove to school with my eyes closed, and drifted right into a bagel and donut binge that would put Takeru Kobayashi to shame. I love Teacher Appreciation Week.
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After regaining confidence in my intestinal fortitude, I opened up my email to find a message from the IIE requesting that I choose seminars during two of the days in Tokyo. The available seminars were all incredible opportunities, and I wish that I didn't have to choose to attend only two. Among the choices were opportunities to learn about Special Education, Math Education, Japanese Kindergarten, and Environmental Education. I selected two that I thought would be most helpful to the follow-on plan that I'm designing for my school and district: Art Education and Peace Education.
The Art Education workshop focuses on hands-on activities of traditional paper work and will feature a discussion about art education in Japan. The Peace Education seminar is one that I will really be looking forward to: we will be meeting with people from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and discussing their experiences with them. I'm not sure if they are people who survived the nuclear bombs or if they are the children of those survivors, but I can't see how this discussion could be any less than amazing and incredibly enlightening. I don't know if I will get my first choices in these areas, but I signed up as soon as I saw the email so let's hope so!
hey mr ralph hmm i'm not done with my pro file yet but it will be soon.bye luis i
Glad to see you got a "Selfari!"
I thought you'd be interested in the following blog...
I don't know this teacher (although I plan on contacting her at some point), but she is a teacher in my district that was chosen to go to Japan in June! I know you'd want to know...
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