I was already in a great mood today, having had morning success with my third diet in as many weeks, when Ms. Dail said "I need to talk to you." I cautiously approached her desk because, as any teacher knows, when the registrar stops you during the last three weeks of school and says that they need to talk to you, there's a good chance that you've made some cumulative folder mistake so horrendous that you'll be paying for it for the rest of your natural born life. I braced myself and Ms. Dail raised her fist. Clenched in it was this:

Thanks, Orlando Sentinel!
Well, done.
Since we had TAKS testing for 2 ays last week, our PTO has decided to spoil us for ANOTHER week! Tomorrow is salad bar, massages, and manicures...doesn't sound to diet smashing!
Massages! Hey!!!
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