I've received nearly one-hundred emails from people that are going on the JFMF trip with me. Wow! Since there are 160 people in the group, that means there will be many more yet to come. There were so many messages coming in I had to contact the JFMF and ask them to switch my email address for this listserv to my gmail account... my OCPS account has a quota and just couldn't handle the volume.
Not only that, but I found a large envelope in my mailbox today with a return label from the Consulate General of Japan in Miami. I was thrilled! I already suspected what it may be, as I read about the package Christina received from the Nashville Consulate. I tore the package open and found the following inside:
- A letter from Ryozo Kato, the Ambassador of Japan in Washington
- A letter from Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Consul General in Miami
- Visit Japan Travel Guide published by Yokoso! Japan
- Tourist's Language Handbook
- Info about "Web Japan for Japanophiles" (am I a Japanophile? Maybe... I took this test and answered 466.66% correct! How did you do?)
- An ad for the "Visit Japan Campaign"
- Affordable Japan, a pamphlet with information about how to make the most of my meager spending cash
- Travel Japan by Train, a very helpful and infomative booklet about Japan's train system
- Explore Japan, a very nice book published by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Finally, Travel to Japan, a pamphlet published in-house by my local consulate right here in beautiful Florida.
There is a lot to read, but everything they sent me is relevant to what I want to do and learn on this trip so I plan on reading every word!

Some of the JFMFers and I have begun planning a trip to see a baseball game, either the Seibu Lions or the Lotte Marines, on June 11th or 12th. Many of the people introduced themselves on the listserv as being someone who would like to catch a game, so I know this is going to be a fun group. There were also many people who want to check out Tokyo Disneyland and take a train to Hiroshima or Kyoto on the off day. I don't know what I want to do yet. I still need to do a lot of research, and time is running out for me!
* * *
This morning I was helping out to set up the Apopka Elementary Extravaganza Festival at my school. (Next year I will be in charge of the theme, which is part of my follow on plan. The theme will be Kodomo no Hi, also known as the Children's Day Festival in Japan. It takes place on May 5 in Japan and is set aside to respect children's personalities and celebrate their happiness.) After I was done setting up, I came home to see that Gorgeous Wife had hauled all types of junk out of the garage and was selling it to any ol' poor sap that would carry it off. I decided to hang out with her, and she said if I could sell the 1989 stereo and the 1984 Mickey Mouse Phone that she'd split the cash for me. I failed in my efforts, but she still made quite a bit of coin! AND THEN, after sitting in the sun for three hours sweating deals over 25 cents, she turns around and hands me the whole wad of cash and says "Here ya go, fruity! Take dis to Japan wit yas!" And I said, "Why are you talking like some scummy Yankees fan?" And then I gave her a huge kiss and hug and wanted to cry over her generosity (but didn't.) Gorgeous Wife is so wonderful, I wish everyone could have such a great best friend. Thanks, beautiful!

Darn you, Mickey Mouse Phone!
1 comment:
"Fruity"...you make me laugh! I love you!!! :)
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