Saturday, May 31, 2008
A Successful Launch for Kibo, Buzz and the Space Toilet
Monday, May 26, 2008
In Japan -- Two Weeks Early!!
Last school year, I didn't win. Didn't win what, you ask? I didn't win anything! I wrote five grants and failed to get any... not even a $45 weather station. I was on the short-list ballot for teacher of the year and lost. I completed National Board and failed -- by one stinkin' point! My micro-society project was nominated for Disney's Teacherrific Awards and earned rejection again. I didn't even think I did a very good job of teaching my third graders, as it was my first time working with kids that young and I felt like a first year teacher again.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My First Visitor From Japan!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
All of My Mailboxes Are Filling Up!
I've received nearly one-hundred emails from people that are going on the JFMF trip with me. Wow! Since there are 160 people in the group, that means there will be many more yet to come. There were so many messages coming in I had to contact the JFMF and ask them to switch my email address for this listserv to my gmail account... my OCPS account has a quota and just couldn't handle the volume.
- A letter from Ryozo Kato, the Ambassador of Japan in Washington
- A letter from Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Consul General in Miami
- Visit Japan Travel Guide published by Yokoso! Japan
- Tourist's Language Handbook
- Info about "Web Japan for Japanophiles" (am I a Japanophile? Maybe... I took this test and answered 466.66% correct! How did you do?)
- An ad for the "Visit Japan Campaign"
- Affordable Japan, a pamphlet with information about how to make the most of my meager spending cash
- Travel Japan by Train, a very helpful and infomative booklet about Japan's train system
- Explore Japan, a very nice book published by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Finally, Travel to Japan, a pamphlet published in-house by my local consulate right here in beautiful Florida.

Friday, May 16, 2008
I've read so many emails today, I feel as excited as I did the day I got the acceptance letter. The people I'm going to be traveling with have so many great ideas about what to do while we're in Japan! I can't wait!
It figures...
I whine about the listserv not starting yet and less than 24 hours later it's up and running. I'm still reading all the emails from the fantastic teachers going on the trip, so I'll update later tonight...I hope...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Slow Flow of Info
Tomorrow is school science day and I decided that my mini-lesson would be focused around rockets. So today after school I drove around collecting my materials, and when I got home I tried out the water rocket I'd built out of a two-liter bottle, a valve stem and a bicycle pump. I pumped the water filled bottle as fast and as hard as I could for about thirty seconds before it took off, disappearing into the sky. I'd purposely set it up between a tree and my house so that it wouldn't fly into the street, but sure enough, about a minute later I heard from the street behind me a PONG.......... PONG... PONG PONG PONGPONGPONGCRUNCH! I turned around to see a red car driving away, leaving one of my four two-liter bottles completely flattened. I immediately heard another car door open right behind me.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Shameless Self-Promotion Works!!!
I was already in a great mood today, having had morning success with my third diet in as many weeks, when Ms. Dail said "I need to talk to you." I cautiously approached her desk because, as any teacher knows, when the registrar stops you during the last three weeks of school and says that they need to talk to you, there's a good chance that you've made some cumulative folder mistake so horrendous that you'll be paying for it for the rest of your natural born life. I braced myself and Ms. Dail raised her fist. Clenched in it was this:

Friday, May 9, 2008
To Heck With The Diet
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Diet Will Start Wednesday
This morning I got up, rolled out of bed, gagged down a Slim-Fast, chomped an apple, drove to school with my eyes closed, and drifted right into a bagel and donut binge that would put Takeru Kobayashi to shame. I love Teacher Appreciation Week.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Diet is Starting Tomorrow
When I first started thinking about this post this morning, the subject was going to be how I was going to be a model of self-control, dieting my way to a more comfortable airplane seat. Nine-point-five hours to Tokyo is a long time, you know. Last night I sat and planned a program that's rigid, strict, and completely outside of the realms of common sense. Something I would truly have to work to endure over the next five weeks, ultimately succeeding in having to pour myself into the seat.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Katori or Bust!
Two days ago I got an email from the Institute for International Education, the organization that facilitates the JFMF on this side of the Pacific. Attached was a little more paperwork, a press release to send out to local media (which I immediately did, the shameless self promoter that I am), and the name of the prefecture and city that I will be visiting after the first week in Tokyo. I was so excited to finally find out! I also found out that one of the JFMF teachers I've been in contact with, Christina Vargas, is going to the same place. Check out her blog!