That was one fast school year.
I know that some of my students are daily readers of this not-very-daily blog, so I just want to tell them thanks for a great school year and stay safe this summer. You guys know how much we accomplished in fourth grade, and you also know how much great stuff we have lined up for fifth, so make sure that you make it back to Ralphadelphia in one piece! The place won't be the same without YOU!
I can't believe that I'm flying to Japan in only a few days. It seems like just yesterday I was stressing over whether I'd be accepted or not, and then I was overjoyed at receiving the good news, and then I was eating sushi! Wow, time flies. I hope and pray that I enjoy every minute that I spend in Japan, and that it never seems like it's flying by.
But I know how it goes. I'll blink, and it will be over. Like Einstein said when trying to explain relativity to knotheads like me:
"Sit next to a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. Sit on a red-hot stove for a minute, it seems like an hour. That's relativity."

I hope I do a good job blogging. I don't want to miss a thing, and I don't want to miss sharing it with you.
***One More Thing***
There's a wonderful site called Creaturebox that's owned in part by my good friend Dave Guertin. Many who enjoy video games will recognize his work from the Ratchet and Clank series. He recently partnered with my class to create a character called King Skullie. My students created the character and completed a shared writing project about one of King Skullie's adventures and Dave brought the character to life. Please check out how he did it!
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