Okay Ralphadelphia students! Time to earn some quick classroom cash. Post a reply to the question below and if you're correct, you get twenty Ralphers!
Please only post a comment ONCE... it won't show up until I publish it and I'm not publishing any answers until Wednesday night. You may use whatever resources you'd like to answer the question -- except other students! No copying/helping allowed. You CAN use your parents. That way you will both learn something!
Here's the question:
Apopka is considered part of the greater Orlando metropolitan area, and Orlando has a sister city in Japan. What is the name of that sister city, and what does it have in common with Orlando? TWENTY EXTRA RALPHERS if you can tell me the name of this city's mayor!
You can't tell me in class, you can only post! If you try to ask me if your answer is correct in class, or show me what you came up with, your answer will be INVALIDATED!
Good luck, and here's a hint for you:

cayla d.
the thing florida and URAYASU have in comon is disney and the mayor is,Hideki Matsuzaki!!!!!
the answer is walt disney world i well research the mayor. 123 right now.the governor of tokyo is shintaro Ishihara.
luis i.
Urayasu,Walt Disney World,Mayor Dyer from,
Charles F
thesister city of orlando is Uraya.shigeo hatano is Urayas mayor
The name is urayasu the sister town of orlando.The mayor is Hideki Matsuzaki.Eva.M
luis i.
the answer is disney and Shigeo Takaya
eykjanesbaer is orlandos sister because they live like us they have the same cars and every thing the maror is richared.h
It's the following:Urayasu, Japan ( for the question that you asked us ) Hideki Matsuzaki is the mayor, I don't know what it has in common.
Sincerely, Jazmin .A.
orlando sister town in japan is urayasu.The name of the mayor hideki matsuzaki.the Thing in common is Disney.
The city is miyakonojo
Mayor Dyer
The mayer is mayor dryer. And the sister state is valladolid,spain.
from Cody K
in sister city has the same cars like in orlando.Ichikawa,hyogo,japan
the city is urayasu,japan and the mayor is hideki matsuzaki
Jared G
the mayor of tokyo japan is kouichi touyama!! :)
What's in common with Urayasu and Orlando is they both have disney Resort
The City is urayasu. The mayor of urayasu is hideki matsuzake
juvon t orayasu japan
the mayor is dyer
what they have in common is they both have a baseball team.
the sister town of Orlando is Uraya.j.t. b.
can we have a drawling to see who can keep the space seed or plants after we are finshed with them?the or part is if how they came out.
are we going to make some stuff baced on japan or stuff made in japan?
roses are sweet rainbows are nice and Ralph Sensei is going to Japan that is so wonderfull!!!!!123 math is so fun math is so fun now its time to take a braek and see what we have done cool its right!!!!!!
Trisha s.
The name of the city is: Urayasu, Chiba, Japan. They are both home to Disney Parks, Disneyworld in Orlando, and Toyko Disneyland. The Mayor is Hideki Matsuzaki.
It came to me in class today how I would rewrite my essay for next year. Let me back up...
I'm finding myself teaching just as I would have...JFMF accepted or not!
Today I read I read a story to my 1st graders about the most loyal dog ever, Hachiko (You know the one...stayed at the train station for 10 years waiting for his owner that died while at work). Today was the day Japan celebrates Hachiko's loyalty by having a wonderful festival. I showed the chidren pictures of Hachiko, the statue at the train station, watched a slideshow if the beautiful cherry blossoms blooming right now while listening to traditional Japanese music, etc.
I know I have a huge interest in Japan and I love sharing it with the children. A co-worker walked in and saw what I was doing and asked about the JFMF...did I get in? My sad look answered her question and her response was, "Then why are you doing this lesson?"
I guess I can't turn off my love for Japan...everyone knows that. I just need to convince JFMF that the trip would really enhance my teaching and I would gladly share my knowledge with my students and everyone around me!
What do you think?
Monica, it sounds like you and I are cut from the same cloth. My students have been calling me Ralph-Sensei since before I ever heard about this program. I was always interjecting some of my miniscule knowledge of Japanese culture into our everyday lessons. And then came JFMF... now they're going to get a super dose!
Thanks for teaching me about Hachiko, I'd never heard that story before. You sound like someone who's really dedicated to learning about Japan and sharing your experience with others! That's awesome!
Send me an email via my "real" website (follow the link from my profile) and I'll send you another resource you may enjoy!
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