A new what?
A new chapter in the Ralph-Sensei blog! My wonderful Japan trip has been over for a year-and-a-half now, and I'm still in contact with many of those folks I traveled with and with the wonderful Nishio family of Katori, Japan. In fact, I just sent a package of Easter goodies to Fumiyo and company last week! It's no fun to just dwell in the past, though...
Sooo... I applied to the Florida Humanities Council's Tribal Traditions in the Modern World seminar. I found out this morning that I have been accepted! During the week of July 26-30, I will travel to South Florida to spend time with other teachers interested in Florida's true natives, with scholars who have researched and published on the history and traditions of the Seminole Tribe, and with the Seminole themselves! And I will be bringing it all to you via this very blog! So stay tuned!
This is going to be AWESOME!